Home Learning

Home Learning Expectations

Home Learning (Homework) benefits students by complementing classroom learning and fostering good study habits.

The purpose of Home Learning for students at Edgars Creek Primary School is for them to practise skills they have already learnt in the classroom.

Edgars Creek Primary School has developed a Home Learning Policy in consultation with the School Council to support student learning and wellbeing by:

  • providing opportunities for students to review, revise and reinforce newly acquired skills.
  • providing opportunities for students to apply new knowledge.
  • providing opportunities for students to prepare for future lessons.
  • encouraging students to enrich or extend knowledge individually, collectively and imaginatively.
  • fostering good lifelong learning and study habits.
  • supporting learning partnerships with parents/carers.

Across our school, Learning Communities will explain Home Learning expectations to students and weekly Home Learning will consist of:

– reading for enjoyment and sharing home reading through Class Dojo.
– Mathletics tasks and activities.
– tasks that reinforce classroom learning.
– optional tasks identified through Class Dojo.

We encourage parents to help their children with their Home Learning if they are able to do so. By assisting your child, it shows them that you are interested in their learning, which in turn promotes a positive attitude to school and learning.

Edgars Creek Primary School understands that students have different learning strengths, preferences and interests and may approach learning activities and Home Learning differently. If you are concerned your child may not understand the Home Learning tasks or they are spending a long period of time completing their Home Learning, we encourage you to speak to your child’s Home Group teacher.

Home Learning Resources

Home Reading